It’s taken years for my mind to visually combine all of my strengths and interests into this singular idea. I’ve always been a writer; my childhood consisted of reading book after book and writing novels of my own in my spare time. For school assignments I would convince the teacher to let me submit film projects instead of written ones. Seeing clothing as another form of self-expression, I clothed myself in conjunction with my mood as an angsty teenager. Growing up, I always wished I had a role model who acknowledged that life has no set plans, and that we need to enact change in ourselves in order to see change in the world. I wished someone could have told me that having a creative outlet is the key to unlocking my anxiety.
This blog is a space for you to lessen your negative impact on the earth, to find your personal style, and to feel less alone in your experiences as a human. Here you’ll find personal journal entries, sustainable lifestyle tips, plant-based recipes, music recommendations, fashion and home inspiration.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope you learn something. What’s more, I hope you look at the world differently than you had before.
— K. JO x
K. Jo
Canadian b(v)logger hailing from the East Coast
Quick facts:
Every day, I strive for more sustainable habits and choices.
According to Myers-Briggs, I’m an ENFP.
I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, a small province on the East coast of Canada. Right now I’m living on the West coast and, quite frankly, I have no idea what’s next.
Once upon a time I wanted to be a physicist because I was good with numbers. But it didn’t make me happy.
Conservation and animal welfare are causes that are important to me.
My favourite place in the world is my cottage on the ocean.
When I was fifteen, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. As a result, I place a strong emphasis on nutrition and fitness, crediting dance as my liberator from the disease.
I’m a good talker but a better listener.
I have an open mind! Let’s collaborate!